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FC Peterborough Interclub Tournament

FC Peterborough Interclub Tournament

Zameer Hussain25 Jun - 12:59
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FC Peterborough celebrate with a Euro 2024 teamed tournament

This weekend, FC Peterborough celebrated by hosting an interclub tournament.

With the excitement of the UEFA European Championship in the air, our players had the opportunity to represent their favourite nations and compete for glory on the pitch.

A big thank you to Hamza Akram, Ibby Ali and Zahid Hamid for their exceptional work in organising this event. Their dedication and effort made the tournament a fantastic experience for all players and spectators.
Lastly, we cannot forget club legend Sadat Akram, who was not only on hand to provide commentary as the matches were played but also a referee and guard of the all-important results table. Finally getting his hands on a trophy, he handed it out to our winning teams.

Did you miss the action or want to relive the excitement?
Check out the photos from the weekend here FCP Tournament Photos

Stay tuned for more exciting events from FC Peterborough as we continue to celebrate the love of football for our community.

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